Molto prevedibile ma già che c'è un blue post tanto vale metterla
"Below is the basic progression map. Obviously your mileage may vary, i.e. If you're Paragon or Premonition you will be able to skip some of the below and/or mix and match at your discretion.
*Normal Dungeons/Crafting/Questing to get full set of 85 blues (non-heroic) to do Heroic dungeons.
*Heroic dungeons to get full set of 85 Heroic blues to do Normal mode raids.
*Normal raids to get full set of 85 epics (non-heroic) to do Heroic mode raids.
*Heroic Raids to get full set of 85 Heroic epics, which will presumably help a bit on Sinestra and the next tier (when released with patch 4.1.0)
*Badge vendors to help fill in gaps at all tier levels.
*No real gating to speak of for ship.
*Sinestra opens after Cho'gall is defeated on HEROIC mode. No timers or attempt limits, but she will pound you relentlessly. She has better than Heroic epic level gear (half a tier better).
"In pratica l'equipaggiamento da farmare è:
Eroiche--->Raid 10+25 Norm
Raid 10+25 Norm--->10+25 H
10-25 H Per fare più facile Sinestra & Le nuove 10-25 normal ( Ragnaros )
Una spruzzata di Badge ( Point ) dove serve.
Sinestra non ha timer di prove, tuttavia è bel oltre la difficoltà delle 10-25 epiche, di circa mezzo tier, quindi in parole povere si sarà sempre un pò "sotto equippati" anche con l'equip delle 25 H , mentre overgearati ( di poco ) affrontandola full vestiti Ragnaros 10-25 Normal.