Autore Topic: HUNTER BEAST MASTER 85  (Letto 2330 volte)


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« il: Dicembre 22, 2010, 05:42:33 pm »
Ci sto lavorando sopra intanto ho tradotto una parte. E non ho messo punteggiatura

Damage Abilities

Kill Command (KC)
La nostra prima abilità da usare il più presto e possibile.
Serpent Sting (SrS)
Da quanto il Cobra Shot lo refreshas,devi solo applicarlo ai mob. Fa basso DPS ma alto DPCT (damage per cast time).
Arcane Shot (AS)
Questa è un’abilità di scarico focus. No cooldown, 25 focus (22 con 3/3 Efficiency).
Cobra Shot (CoS)
Sempre da usare al posto dello Steady Shot. Generates 9 focus and refreshes Serpent Sting. ( personalmente non lo so ma non ci giurerei [kim])
Hunter's Mark (HM)
AP bonus, da mettere sempre prima del fighta
Multi Shot (MS)
Insieme a Explosive Trap o AoE abilities.
Explosive Trap (ExT)
ticks ogni 2 seconds, 10 volte in totale per AoE fire damage.
Immolation Trap (ImT)
Fin’ora sembra che questa non possa critar. Inoltre fa meno danno su singolo bersaglio
Kill Shot (KS)
Non più forte come un tempo (150% weapon damage, abbassato dal 200%) ma ancora potentissimo e non costa focus.


Da Cataclysm abbiamo due importanti aspetti per la fight_ Acquila e Volpe.
Per il PVE il primario beneficio di entrambi è che Hawk da più Att Pow e Fox ti permette di castare cobra shot mentre sei in movimento. La cosa migliore sarebbe non dover usare Fox e riuscire a castare istantaneamente le abilità che si possiedono mentre ci si muove e nel mentre riuscire a sparare di autoshot. In pratica c’è la probabilità che quando ti muovi non ci sia abbastanza focus per castare gli istant. Gli aspetti sono separati dai global CD delle altre abilità, così puoi switchare da Hawk a Fox senza perdere GCD per le abilità di danno. Ricordati che Fox non ti permentte di castare autoshot ma solo le abilità cast; quindi ci vogliono sempre 0.5 sec per l’autoshot. Gli addon come Quatz ti possono aiutare tanto nella rotation e duration delle abilità.


La priorità di base per il single targets ideale potrebbe essere questa:
1. se il tuo pet è sul target, Kill Command
2. Se il mob vive ancora abbastanza a lungo, Serpent Sting.
3. Se il mob è sotto il 20% HP, Kill Shot
4. Se nn hai abbastanza  focus per Kill command vai di, Arcane Shot
5. Cobra Shot

In 6 sei secondi dovresti essere in grado di lanciare 1 Kill Command, 1 Arcane Shot and 2 Cobra Shots


Bestial Wrath

La nostra più corta lunghezza di “grande” cooldown (un gioco di parole) dura 10 sec [in porole povere dura niente questa abilità ma è grande in se per il danno che fa] . Il talento Longevity e il  Glyph portano il CD a 70 sec da 1,17 di origine (non era 2 min??? =kim=). Il bene primario di BW è ke riduce il costo del focus di tutte le abilità del 50%. Inoltre incrementa il danno del per del 20% e il danno dell’hunter del 10% per tutta la durata.
Durante BW non è necessario usare Cobra shot per rigenerare focus, l’unico beneficio del cobra è il 10% di danno in più. Assicurarsi di avere abbastanza focus prima di usare BW! Durante l’abilità devi essere in grado di lanciare 2  Kill Commands e 6 o 7 Arcane shots, possibilimente usando  Fervor se sei troppo basso di focusa prima di usare BW.
Non usare BW mentre sei sotto effetto di RAPID FIRE o altri effetti che aumentano HASTE.


Fervor ha lo stesso CD base di BW. 2 minuti. Comunque non è affetto da Longevity.
Questa abilità ti consente istantaneamente a te e al pet 50 focus e “and has no other strings attached” (non lo so cosa intenda). Usare specialmente quando sia pet che hunter possono beneficiarne ma spesso dipende dal focus di cui necessita il giocatore

Focus Fire

FF è un Haste boost di 15 sec CD. L’haste ke se ne guadagna dipende dal tuo pet. Frenzy stacca sul tuo pet uno volta per attacco base (3 sec CD) per un massimo di 5. Focus fire consuma questi stacks e ti da 3%haste per ognuno di essi fino al consumo totale. “The build-up time for Frenzy is 15 seconds of pet-on-the-target time, meaning that we will have a near constant 15% haste bonus” insomma ricevi 15%haste per farla breve.
Deve essere usata in CD, eccezzione prima del BW, come gli stack del pet incrementano la velocità di attacco del 30% (a 5 stack pieni) e non beneficiano dell’haste durante BW. L’incremento di attack speed per il pet traslano direttamente in maggior danno dall’autoattacco del pet.
[non ci capisco granchè nemmeno io..boh ]

Rapid Fire

5 minute CD incrementa ranged attack speed del  40% (50% con glyph) x 15 seconds. Insieme Focus Fire, port ail Cobrashot  1.0-1.2 second cast time. Quindi Cobra Shot comincia prima del Arcane Shot in DPCT [vedi all’inizio], così durante Rapid Fire casti semplicemente Cobra Shots  e Kill Commands. Rapid Fire non deve essere usato quando Bestial Wrath altri haste effects come  Bloodlust sono attivi.

Ancient Hysteria / Bloodlust

Ancient Hysteria / Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp.
Ancient Hysteria / Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp.
Come BM possiamo munirci di pet Core hound (cane a due teste) per avere l’haste buff come l’heroism. Ancient Hysteria buffa l’haste dell’entire party or raid by 30% for 40 seconds. Questo è significativamente meno del Rapid Fire, ma dovrebbe approcciare il vostro Cobra Shot casttime al GCD. Sotto AH or equivalente sarai in grado di spammare Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot between e Kill Commands guadagnando DPS.


Beast Mastery Talents

[riduco a zero la traduzione tanto è comprensibile anche da chi non mastica l’ingelese spero nel caso chiedete e vi sarà data….la traduzione  =D ]

Improved Kill Command - Required. Kill Command E’ IL NOSTRO PANE COL BURRO [sarà inglese chi ha scritto la guida???], so a 10% increased chance di crit
One with Nature - Optional. In PVE the primary benefit is the Aspect of the Hawk increase, but it is poco piccolo - at level 85 the additional AP is 63.7 AP per point for a total of 191 AP.

Bestial Discipline - Recommended. Recommended se il tuo pet non riceve pieno beneficio dal Wild Hunt every time - additionally it is a better choice than OwN.

Pathfinding - Not Recommended. Pathfinding provides a mounted speed increase of 10% which does not stack with the level 3 Guild Perk, Mount Up. Leaving Pathfinding at a miserable 4/8% speed increase to Aspect of the Pack/Cheetah.  [incrementa la velocità della mount o del paccp…inutile se non siete campioni di atletica leggera]
Spirit Bond - Recommended. Incrementa l’healing ricevuto del 10% su di te e sul pet…quindi molto raccomandato in raid o party!

Frenzy - Required. Frenzy increases the attack speed of your pet by 6% for every basic attack (stacking to 30%), Frenzy can also be consumed by Focus Fire for hunter haste.
Improved Mend Pet - optional. If your healers have time (and mana) to spare to keep your pet cleansed, this pet does't provide a real benefit. If you are expected to keep your own pet alive and functional to spare the healers, the cleansing effect can be nice. With Mend Pet ticking every 2 seconds, 1 point here could easily be enough.

Improved Mend Pet - optional. If your healers have time (and mana) to spare to keep your pet cleansed, this pet does't provide a real benefit. If you are expected to keep your own pet alive and functional to spare the healers, the cleansing effect can be nice. With Mend Pet ticking every 2 seconds, 1 point here could easily be enough.

Cobra Strikes - Recommended. This talent does not achieve "required" status because the use of arcane shot is based in an interval. Too much haste, and Cobra Shot becomes better DPCT/DPS, too little, and there won't be enough focus to reliably use Arcane Shot. That said, there aren't any other contenders for better spendage of the points.
Fervor - Required. This talent unlocks Bestial Wrath, and is a pretty good ability in its own right-
Focus Fire - Required. This is our constant haste function, should be kept on CD except during BW and the first 15 seconds of a fight.

Longevity - Required. Reduces the CD of BW by 30%. Pet special abilities aren't that important, and neither is intimidation.
Killing Streak - Required. This reduces the focus cost and increases the damage done after 2 successive Kill Command Crits. The successive crits don't have to happen within the same combat.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera - Not Recommended. In a group or rading environment you should nto be getting hit with anything that triggers this talent.
Bestial Wrath - Required. See the in depth going over above.
Ferocious Inspiration - Required. While the bufff can be provided by others, this talent is a prerequisit for Invigoration.

Kindred Spirits - Recommended. While the 10 extra focus may seem static, this allows us to build up our focus before unloading it through BW. 10 extra focus is almost 1 more Arcane Shot before needing to use Fervor (if at all)
The Beast Within - Required. This is the talent that grants the hunte rthe benefits described under Bestial Wrath above.
Invigoration - Required. 6 Focus everytime the pet crits on a basic attack (1 basic attack every 3 seconds), this is the talent that will let you use Arcane Shot more often.

Beast Mastery - Required. Unlike previously, the ability to bring exotic pets to a raid is now required to be a Beast Mastery hunter. The Exotic pets have some of the better raid buffs that can be missing. All exotic pets (except the Shale Spider) also gets 2 abilities to use, 2 of them have a channeled AoE attack.

Marksmanship Talents

Go for the Throat - Required. See the pet section for more details, but obtaining more focus for pets is now a worthwhile pursuit.
Efficiency - Optional. 3 focus reduction for Arcane Shot
Rapid Killing - Not Recommended.

Sic 'Em! - Recommended. It can be recommended for the same reason as Go for the Throat, but for BM it must be remembered that the only triggering shot we have is Arcane Shot, and reliably beinag able to cast Arcane Shot is by no means a given. Has the potential to be very strong for BM due to mastery and Wild Hunt.
Improved Steady Shot - Not Recommended. Not worth using Steady Shot over Cobra Shot.
Careful Aim - Optional - Not very strong, and competes with ISrS and Pathing in the Survival tree, especially if if Sic'em is chosen.

Survival Talents

Hunter vs. Wild - Not Recommended. Should only be considered if you find yourself consistently lacking health. Not worth it compared to the other options in any other scenario.
Pathing - Recommended. 3% haste for 3 talent points is not what I consider a strong talent, but it is, nonetheless, a good option - competes with Sic'Em and Careful Aim.
Improved Serpent Sting - Recommended. 5/10% increased crit chance for Serpent Sting is a good option.

Survival Tactics - Optional.
Trap Mastery - optional.
Entrapment - Optional. Probably encounter specific for PVE.
Point of No Escape - Optional. Bosses will not trigger Frost Trap and the crit bonus now only affects you, so this talent is fairly weak.

Sample build:
Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
The 3 points in OwN can be placed in OwN, IMP, PF or CT,HC, the biggest DPS benefit will be OwN, even though it is small.


Recommended Prime Glyphs:
Kill Command - 3 focus cost reduction of KC
Kill Shot - effectively lets you do back to back Kill Shot

Other Prime Glyphs (in alphabetical order):
Arcane Shot - 12% Arcane Shot damage
Rapid Fire - +10% haste
Serpent Sting - 6% crit
Which of these 3 will the most beneficial is still unclear.

Reccomended Major Glyphs:
Bestial Wrath - Reduces the cooldown of BW by 20 seconds (down to a total of 70 seconds with Longevity)

From a damage perspective, there are no other required major glyphs for every scenario, although Trap Launcher is recommended for any AoE situations (with Explosive Trap). As a BM hunter 2 other major glyphs do stick out intuitively - Mending and Misdirection. With glyph of Mending a tenacity pet can easily tank a mob for a short (or longer) while without requiring much, if any, attention from healers. A properly specced tank pet will be healed for 6+k hps from mend pet alone in entry level gear. With a 2 second cast to switch out your pet (equivalent of 1 lost Cobra Shot) and a taunt, you have a real "Oh snap" ability here.

Recommended Minor Glyphs:
Mend Pet - As BM our pet is a major source of damage, and while pets quickly gain happiness in combat, this makes MP a nice, free way to get their happiness up and keep it up at all times.
Revive Pet - Should the worst happen and our pet die, we need to revive it. Revive is no longer reduced by talents, and is a (base) 10 second cast. Avoiding pushbacks during is essential in the cases where we need our pet up and about. It is not possible to summon another pet if your current pet is dead.


Pets are a major source of damage for BM hunters. They inherit 100% of the hunter's hit, haste, and crit, and scale considerably from AP. All 3 pet types (Ferocity, Tenacity and Cunning) inherit the same AP scaling, so the only difference in the potential damage output is the pet talents. This means it is okay to bring a tenacity pet if the raidbuff it provides is needed, as you will only lose what the pet talents provide.

That being said, right now, Ferocity and Cunning pets are both close in theoretical damage and require more numbers before one becomes more preferable than the other. Ferocity has the advantage of Rabid and Call of the Wild, although the long cooldown and short duration of Call of the Wild lessen its value (though it is greater for BM than for the other 2 specs, thanks to Longevity). Cunning has decent talents in Feeding Frenzy, Roar of Recovery, and Owl's Focus, but Wolverine Bite is currently poor.

Ferocity: Hunter Pet Calculator - Wowhead (looks like Wowhead doesn't have the links working quite right here. This is 2100,0231,300,030,101,22 - also note, dogs apparently do not have Charge available)
There are a couple debatable points. First, the points in Bloodthirsty could go to Boar's Speed and / or Charge. I have opted to put them in Bloodthirsty because we as BM rely heavily on our pets (without them we have Arcane Shot and Cobra Shot), meaning that automatic happiness means more damage, and the heal will help the pet stay alive in situations that might otherwise kill it. Boars Speed is nice, but not required, likewise Charge will only affect the first attack in any given fight.

Cunning: Hunter Pet Calculator - Wowhead (again, Wowhead not linking properly. 2100,1223,301,002,1100,20)
As BM we get to have more points that can be spent on specific damage increasing talents for a cunning pet. The main points in this tree would be Owl's Focus combined with Wild Hunt, as well as Feeding Frenzy.



Multi-Shot is our base AoE tool. It costs 40 focus and incurs a GCD of 1.5 seconds (opposed to the normal 1 second GCD). As BM we can couple Multishot with BW and fire them off at a cost of 20 focus, giving us 6 Multi-Shots back to back.

Explosive Trap

Explosive Trap is our other AoE ability. It has a small base damage (29 per tick) but with a 54.5% RAP coefficient it does a substantial amount of damage. It is also our most efficient ability by far, costing 0 focus if dropped in place or 20 focus with Trap Launcher (10 focus glyphed). Explosive Trap's major caveat is obviously that it requires the target(s) to stay in the targeted area for 20 seconds for full effect, making it impractical on some fights.

Chimaera / Worm

Beast Mastery hunters can bring exotic pets, and in AoE situations this means we can increase our damage by bringing a Worm or a Chimaera.

Burrow Attack

The Worm can channel an AoE attack called Burrow Attack. When this is used the pet burrows underground for 8 seconds dealing damage every second. Burrow attack does 9.6% of our RAP + 179 damage per second over 8 seconds, so at 10k RAP burrow attack does 1139 dps to each enemy in the attacks radius.
[top]Froststorm Breath

The Chimaera also gets a channled AoE attack, Froststorm Breath. FsB does less damage as a base since it does 9.6% of our RAP + 171 every 2 seconds over 8 seconds, so at 10k RAP FsB does 565 dps (half of Burrow Attack).


I've used a roughly BIS with all / best raidbuffs enabled list to get these numbers, with the theory that we can derive some broader understanding of stats. For less generalized stat weights, it is recommended that you use your gear in Rivkah's DPS Analyzer or similar tool.

Your best stat, by far, with the possible exception of hit. One agility provides 2 AP and 1/324.85 critical strike percent, before scaling. You get 5% extra from wearing all mail, 5% from raid buffs. The AP is again increased by 15% by Animal Handler and 10% from raid buffs, the passive BM benefit.
Gearing for the hit cap is generally a good idea. Ranged attacks have a 8% chance to miss against mobs 3 levels higher than us and each point of hit rating gives us 1/120.109%, so we need 961 hit to reach this, or 841 for draenei.
The consensus is that it is better to be slightly over than slightly under the hit cap
Attack Power
Raw attack power is going to be rare, but still exists for some enchants, Pure AP is the slightly better than crit/haste/mastery point for point.
Almost all abilities crit for 200% damage, or 203% damage with a [Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond]. Some exceptions include Explosive Trap and Serpent Sting which uses spell crit damage (and crit chance) - 150%, or immolation trap which cannot crit.
Mastery affects all damage done by our pet, including Kill Command, and each point of mastery increases pet damage by 1.7%. Mastery beats out haste by a fair margin (3:2) when looking at each stats contribution with the mentioned gear.
Haste affects both the speed of your shots (cobra and auto) and your rate of focus regeneration. You need 128.057 haste rating to get 1% haste. Haste effects generally scale multiplicatively. If you have 32% haste from gear, 3% from Pathing, and Rapid Fire, a base casting time of X would now be X/1.32/1.03/1.4. Procs that increase haste rating will stack additively with your total haste rating value (32% in this example). Focus regeneration appears to be a base of 4 focus per second scaling multiplicatively with haste; i.e. 30% haste would be 4*1.3=5.2 fps. You will likely not see a huge increase in focus regen from upgrading gear.

Stats will change in relative value depending on your gear. It is however common to see agility and hit significantly ahead of haste, crit, and mastery. This means that you may want to consider achieving the hit cap through reforging where you are generally trading hit/crit/mastery instead of through gemming wear the primary tradeoff will be agility. Some hit enchants are also viable.

A final reminder: due to the complete overhaul of hunter mechanics, a lot of theory and modeling is still being worked out. This page will update as more consensus is built so please contribute if you have constructive criticism to offer.
« Ultima modifica: Dicembre 23, 2010, 05:02:38 pm da Kimmolauz »

A life for hunter for life!  -  "Elune be with you"


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« Risposta #1 il: Dicembre 22, 2010, 05:51:41 pm »
E non ho messo punteggiatura

Eagle's terror

.                                            .


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« Risposta #2 il: Dicembre 22, 2010, 08:23:18 pm »
Diciamo che è un working progress per Anto e tutti quelli ke continuano a chiedere info sui BM e dei quali non so nulla..almeno mi documento anche io

A life for hunter for life!  -  "Elune be with you"


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« Risposta #3 il: Dicembre 22, 2010, 08:47:07 pm »
Grande Kimmo O0


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« Risposta #4 il: Dicembre 22, 2010, 08:48:26 pm »
Molto bravo Kim e complimenti x l'impegno.
Io sto usando BM come spec da expaggio e ovviamente va molto bene. In raid pero mi pare decisamente meno performante, almeno al mio livello attuale. MM e' quella che mi sta dando le maggiori soddisfazioni. Certo se potessi tornare ad usare il mio spirit beast in raid sarei molto felice...



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« Risposta #5 il: Dicembre 23, 2010, 05:04:48 pm »
Dato che non è molto comodo ne veloce tradurre tutto...ditemi cosa non si capisce e lo traduco...

Il fatto è ke a me sembra tutto comprensibile quindi non so bene cosa tralasciare o meno....

I talenti e tutto quello che viene sotto mi sembra molto noioso, forse meriterebbe di traduzione la parte "PET" e "STATS" ma ora non ne ho proprio il tempo.


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« Risposta #6 il: Dicembre 24, 2010, 11:30:16 pm »
Ciao, da nuovo hunter di gilda non potevo non visitare questo post ^^ Signor lavoro, grazie mille!!! Anche se a dirla tutto BM non l'ho proprio preso in considerazione... Mi trovo bene con SV e un po' meno con MM con questo equipe lvl 333, faccio rispettivamente 7-8k dps e 6-6.5k dps... però questo post lo terrò in considerazione più avanti per continuare nella sfida di tankare le hc col pet :):) dicevano che impossible is nothing :) si vedrà


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« Risposta #7 il: Dicembre 25, 2010, 02:34:41 pm »
Non metto in dubbio, ovvio che Surv e MM sono migliori ma ho postato per tutti quelli ke preferiscono BM e non giocano ai max livelli km noi seri hunter!  :music: :music: :music:

A life for hunter for life!  -  "Elune be with you"