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Ho personalmente giochicchiato ieri sera e devo dire proprio che: "è fantastico!"
Ahahah ora si ke è divertente giocare!!!!
Un burning focus terribile e occorre trovare la rotation giusta.
Chiunque abbia trovato info abbastanza "normali" da applicare al normal game, senza statistiche inutili e complesse, lo prego di riferirle...
[ aggiunto 15/10/2010 ]
Marksman MM Patch 4.0.1 Rotation
All hunter rotations are priority-based in patch 4.0.1. You never want to be sitting at 100 focus — when you are that means that any focus you gain is lost, rather than converted into better dps.
* Start fight with Hunter’s Mark, and by applying Serpent Sting
* Always hit Chimera Shot when it’s available — you always want to have enough focus saved up to hit Chimera as soon as it’s available.
* Hit your free Aimed Shot proc (“Fire!”) whenever it’s available.
* Use Arcane Shot to bleed off excess focus.
* Use Steady Shot to regen focus. Note that you want to fire Steady Shots in pairs to maintain the Improved Steady Shot buff as much as possible.
The hardest part of the MM 4.0.1 rotation is managing the improved steady shot buff. The 15% haste this provides is a significant deal, but it’s tricky to optimize. In general you want to try to hit steady shots in pairs — so it’s much better to fire 2 steadies, arcane, 2 steadies than it is to fire 4 steadies in a row.
This means that sometimes you’ll actually hold off on your free aimed shot proc if it hits after just one steady shot — it’s better to wait a bit on the aimed shot than to fire it at once and then have to fire two more steady shots to get your haste buff back up (waiting 1.5 sec or so on aimed vs. letting the buff drop for 3 or more seconds).
Marksman Patch 4.0.1 Glyphs
MM Prime Glyphs
The prime glyphs are our heavy-hitters. These are the ones that are actually going to impact our dps. Currently it’s looking like the following are going to be the best choices; however, it’ll be interesting to do some testing on the Chimera Shot glyph once we see what the final Chimera Shot coefficients are.
* Glyph of Arcane Shot
* Glyph of Steady Shot
* Glyph of Kill Shot
MM Major Glyphs
Most of the major glyphs are not going to have a direct impact on your dps. They are oriented around pvp, quality of life, or leveling (Glyph of Misdirection is phenomenal for soloing). Personally I’m a huge proponent of using Disengage to minimize time wasted on movement, thus I think that the Disengage glyph is potentially a dps-increasing glyph. Everything else is really up to you.
* Glyph of Disengage
* …whatever else you’d like
MM Minor Glyphs
Similar to major glyphs, the minor glyphs aren’t going to increase our dps. However there are few enough choices that I do think the following three are the best choices.
* Glyph of Mend Pet
* Glyph of Feign Death
* Glyph of Revive Pet