ci son scappate ste cose... e qualcuna non mi garba per niente
Many stats are being removed that no longer feel like bonuses: Hit, Expertise, Dodge, Parry. Avoidance should be cool mechanics, but not as a stat on items.
Reforging is also gone--there is too much modification required when you currently get an item. It sounded good on paper but drags down the excitement of getting a new item.
Armor itemization is greatly improved. Your gear changes primary stats and set bonuses based on your spec. There is no "strength plate" or "intellect plate"--simply plate that changes based on your role.
Secondary stats will remain unchanged when switching between specs, and accessories like amulets and rings may have more niche itemization, like armor for tanks or spirit for healers.
Fewer items can be enchanted, and the goal is to have enchants feel like a bonus instead of something mandatory.
Meta gems and socket bonuses are removed. Many fewer items will have sockets in Warlords of Draenor.
Tertiary stats are being added, such as Sturdiness (no durability loss), Movement Speed (will stack), Lifesteal (% of damage converted to health), Avoidance (Absorb % of AE damage), Cleave (Increased AE damage). We already saw some of this with Siege of Orgrimmar trinkets like Juggernaut's Focusing Crystal for Lifesteal and Frenzied Crystal of Rage for Cleave. These will not be on every piece of gear and will take a while to farm up a complete "set." These are also considered bonus stats and aren't part of an item's regular stat budget.
The item squish is coming, but this will not affect players' ability to solo old raids or make players feel weak. It will not reduce the current power of relative players--Siege of Orgrimmar will suddenly not feel impossible when the item squish goes in. The item squish is to simply the combat log so abilities don't have tons of zeros.
Che tolgano Hit/Expertise non mi piace molto. A meno che non inseriscano poi qualche altro cap da raggiungere, rischiano di appiattire ancora di più le classi. E' anche vero che rimuovendo il reforging (sai come sono contenti gli autori di AskMrRobot, ReforgeLite, ecc.. Ndr) si toglie una parte importante per la generazione di questo tipo di statistiche.
Già avevo storto il naso (parlando di tank) quando hanno tolto il Defense Rating, ma almeno hanno poi inserito il concetto di hit/exp. Vediamo stavolta.
Il fatto invece di ridurre pesantemente il lavoro "post loot" non mi dispiace. Non dover sempre reforgiare/gemmare/enchantare tutto quando cambio un pezzo non è male ^^
Per gli altri bonus di cui parlano...boh...non so ancora esprimermi